EM Crosby is thrilled to now enjoy the benefits and efficiencies associated with their own ramp and staging area next to the drawbridge in Osterville. The 3 year project, from permit application process to completion, has brought a Crosby boatbuilding and maintenance operation back to the shores of Osterville, where it all began…270 years ago. The ramp is located between Ned and Karen’s father’s workshop, fondly known as the “little shop,” and the old bridge abutment to the south. The bridge abutment conveniently shields the ramp area from the strong current that flows under the bridge. Having historically used the town ramps and the WYC ramp, we often had to “play the tide,” as well as avoid the crowds. We will now be able to haul and launch our customer’s boats on all tides and never again will we worry about being handcuffed by amateur trailer/ramp users!

If you’ve driven over the drawbridge lately, perhaps you’ve noticed the construction equipment in the area. We actually built the ramp ourselves…having purchased and refurbished some older excavation equipment, obtaining 38 pre-cast concrete slabs, and with a whole lot of Yankee ingenuity…the result is stunning! Also, the “Reynolds” property behind the ramp and adjacent to the “little shop,” also has been purchased by EM Crosby. We successfully changed the zoning from residential to marine commercial, and now will have that area as a “staging” location for the summer of 2019 and beyond. It is also our goal to put a boatbuilding shop on the property…we’d like for people to be able to “see what we can do.”